Hello @lheinric, welcome to the REANA forum
Here you can find a step by step guide on reproducing what reana-client run
does by using the Python client. This is a simple example, for illustrative purposes, using: the serial workflow engine and a simple analysis. Please let us know if you face any trouble!
Install reana-client
$ pip install reana-client==0.6.0
And now, inside a Python interpreter, or a Python file:
# Title: Submit workflows to REANA using the REANA Python client
# Author: Diego Rodriguez - https://forum.reana.io/u/diegodelemos
# Date: 22-01-2020
# REANA version: 0.6.0
# Let us use the REANA example - ROOT6/ RooFit analysis
# (https://github.com/reanahub/reana-demo-root6-roofit/)
# with the serial workflow engine as a workflow example. We will
# create it, run it and retrieve its results using the
# REANA Python client.
# First we need to provide the minimum configuration:
# - Point the REANA service URL (with `reana-client` it would be
# `export REANA_SERVER_URL=https://reana.cern.ch`)
import os
os.environ['REANA_SERVER_URL'] = 'https://reana.cern.ch'
# - Provide our REANA access token (with `reana-client` it
# would be `export REANA_ACCESS_TOKEN=XXXXXXX`)
from getpass import getpass
my_reana_token = \
os.getenv("REANA_ACCESS_TOKEN") or getpass('Enter your REANA token: ')
# Now we will choose a name for the workflow and the kind of
# workflow specification we will use:
my_workflow_name = 'root6-roofit'
workflow_type = 'serial'
# As a workflow, we will take the REANA example - ROOT6/RooFit.
# Let us specify inputs and workflows specification:
# - So first we will provide it's inputs (files and parameters)
# (see the reana.yaml code that corresponds to it
# code https://github.com/reanahub/reana-demo-root6-roofit/blob/f29e98b482fe8cb801735ac2fa48bc01e6cc05b7/reana.yaml#L2-L9)
my_inputs = {
'files': [
], # A list of files your analysis will be using
'parameters': {
'events': '20000',
'data': 'results/data.root',
'plot': 'results/plot.png',
} # Parameters your workflow takes
# - Then we will provide the actual workflow specification,
# in this case using serial workflow:
# (see the reana.yaml code that corresponds to it
# https://github.com/reanahub/reana-demo-root6-roofit/blob/f29e98b482fe8cb801735ac2fa48bc01e6cc05b7/reana.yaml#L13-L22)
workflow_json = {
'steps': [
{'name': 'gendata',
'environment': 'reanahub/reana-env-root6:6.18.04',
'commands': [
'mkdir -p results',
'root -b -q \'code/gendata.C(${events},"${data}")\' | tee gendata.log']},
{'name': 'fitdata',
'environment': 'reanahub/reana-env-root6:6.18.04',
'commands': [
'root -b -q \'code/fitdata.C("${data}","${plot}")\' | tee fitdata.log']}]
# We are now ready to create our workflow in REANA
# (`reana-client create -n $my_workflow_name`)
from reana_client.api.client import create_workflow_from_json
# Upload files to the workflow workspace
# (`reana-client upload -w $my_workflow_name`)
from reana_client.api.client import upload_to_server
abs_path_to_input_files = \
[os.path.abspath(f) for f in my_inputs['files']]
# And now we can start our workflow
# (`reana-client start -w $my_workflow_name`)
from reana_client.api.client import start_workflow
start_workflow(my_workflow_name, my_reana_token, {})
# We can inquiry for it's status as follows:
# (`reana-client status -w $my_workflow_name`)
from reana_client.api.client import get_workflow_status
status_details = get_workflow_status(my_workflow_name,
# Once it returns `finished`, the workflow will be done
# Once finished, we can list the output files and download
# the ones we are interested in:
# - Listing files
# (`reana-client ls -w $my_workflow_name`)
from reana_client.api.client import list_files
list_files(my_workflow_name, my_reana_token)
# - Downloading the result file
# (`reana-client download results/plot.png -w $my_workflow_name`)
output_filename = 'results/plot.png'
from reana_client.api.client import download_file
file_binary_blob = download_file(
my_workflow_name, output_filename, my_reana_token)