Validation does not fail when a parameter is used in two stages but is defined in the first one and is not defined in the second one


suppose I define a parameter in reana.yaml:

    myPar: 900

and use it in the first stage of my workflow.yaml:

        myPar: {step: init, output: myPar}

Now, when I moved to the second stage of my workflow, I forgot that if I also want to use this myPar in my second stage, I have to define it there, too:

        myPar: {step: init, output: myPar}

Unfortunately, reana-client validate did not report any warnings about me using {myPar} in the second stage where it was not defined. And the job refused to run the second stage: it ran the first one, assigned the failed status to it and as far as I can see it never started processing the second stage. I have just spent an hour trying to debug this - would be great if the reana-client validate command could have caught it.